Lunatic Fringe

Stories from a hairstylist and girl about town

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cheap People

So today this guy comes off the street to ask about setting up an appointment. Then he says that he doesn't want to pay too much for a haircut. Well after I tell him the price, he starts saying he only wants a little taken off and his hair is really short anyway, and he starts haggling over the cost. I mean, excuse me, but the price is not negotiable. It's not like the cost is based on the number of hairs we cut. You're paying for the hairdressers expertise, not the shortness of your hair.

Why do people think they can say they want a cheaper price to cut their hair? Do these people do this everywhere? Do they offer the grocer part of the price of their food because they don't think the food is worth that much money? Do they offer the restaurant half of what dinner cost because they didn't eat the whole meal and only wanted a little of the appetizer? What is wrong with these people?

Look, do us all a favor and if you want a cheap hair cut or your hair is really short and needs a trim, just go to a barber shop. Or why not ask a homeless person to do it? They're always standing on the corner with signs asking for money. Give them five dollars and a pair of scissors and I'll bet they'll give you exactly what you ask for - unlike the professional hairdresser who just charges way too much. Wah wah wah.

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Blogger Amber said...

I hope you got a good haircut first.

10:32 AM  

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